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I Still Love Teaching Despite Having all the Reasons in the World to Quit:

Observations of the Education System.

With 22 years of rich teaching experience across 16 different schools, I am a passionate educator dedicated to shaping the minds of tomorrow. My journey in education spans diverse social backgrounds, where I have not only taught modern foreign languages like French, German, and Spanish, but also subjects such as geography, drama, art, English, and music. I have thrived in various roles, from a classroom teacher to an examiner for a national exam board in England. My teaching philosophy is anchored in building strong relationships with students, fostering a deep love for learning, and nurturing their unique potentials. Throughout the 23 chapters of “Why I Love Teaching”.

Book Description

“The Educational Box” delves into the heart of educational reform, focusing on student engagement and innovative teaching methods. It’s a reflection of my two-decade long journey as a teacher, offering insights into the challenges and triumphs of the profession. The book is a treasure trove of experiences, highlighting the importance of teacher-student relationships, respect, and the transformative power of teaching beyond conventional methodologies. It emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to education, blending traditional and modern techniques to cater to diverse student needs.

The book contains 23 chapters. Read “The Story of Ryan”, which is an excerpt from the chapter about “RESPECT”. You can get the full chapter for free by joining our mailing list.

The story of Ryan

Allow me to share a story about a student named Ryan, who was in my Year 9 French class. Ryan, I must say, was quite a handful. Possessing a boisterous and strong-minded personality, he often came across as rude and disrespectful to almost every staff member in the school. He would use profanity with any teacher who put him in a bad mood, resulting in frequent temporarily exclusions or days spent in “isolation.”

During my lessons, Ryan occupied the second row by the wall, with the table between him and the next student intentionally kept empty. One day, he turned to me and said, loud enough for everyone to hear, “Sir, I hate French. I don’t get it.” 

Without missing a beat, I replied, “Well, that’s fine, Ryan. French loves you. That makes up for you hating it.” The class erupted in laughter.

On another occasion, while the class was engrossed in written activities, I approached Ryan, who was on report that week for swearing at the deputy headteacher, to ask him a question. 

“Tell me Ryan, there’s something I would like to understand.” 

He replied with a simple “Wa’?”; I continued, 

“You’re always in trouble in the school and almost constantly on report. Yet, I have never had any problem with you, even though I know you hate French. Why is that?” 
Ryan hesitated and then said, “Well, you’re not like them.”

I asked, “What do you mean I am not like them?”
Ryan repeated, “You… You’re not like them.”
I pointed out, “I am a teacher, and they are teachers too.”

During our conversation, Ryan avoided making eye contact with me, focusing on the French worksheet in front of him, as if he was more interested in getting on with his work than talking to me. The rest of the class was quietly working too, but it was evident they were all tuned into our exchange. Suddenly, Ryan looked up at me and said,…

To receive the entire chapter about RESPECT,

After reading “Why I Love Teaching”, you will expand your knowledge on some of the following tips:

Building Strong Relationships

Strategies for fostering deeper connections between teachers and students to enhance learning experiences.

Innovative Teaching Methods

Creative and effective ways to engage students in the learning process, including hands-on activities and project-based learning.

Understanding Different Learning Styles

Insights into recognising and catering to the diverse learning styles and needs of students.

Holistic Education Approach

Techniques for integrating various subjects and extracurricular activities to provide a well-rounded education.

Adapting to Technological Advances

Tips on incorporating technology in the classroom to make learning more interactive and up-to-date.

Handling Classroom Challenges

Practical advice on managing common classroom issues and creating a positive learning environment.

Fostering Respect and Empathy

Emphasising the importance of mutual respect and empathy in the educational setting.

Encouraging Critical Thinking

Methods to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students.